How Close Can a Driveway Be to the Property Line

Zoning FAQ

You tin can determine the zoning designation of your belongings quickly and easily by using our online tool, ZoLa (Zoning and Land Use Application). You can await up all relevant zoning information by providing the address or block and lot number of the belongings in question.

Once you've found your belongings using ZoLA, click on the hyperlink for your zoning designation. This will take you to an overview describing the types of buildings you tin can construct in your zoning district.

If your property has both an R designation and a C1 or C2 designation, then your property is in what is known as a "commercial overlay." This means you tin can build a residential edifice with ground-floor commercial (or in some cases 2 floors of commercial). Other types of combinations are often caused when a property crosses a zoning district boundary. Special regulations in Article VII, Chapter seven explain how to make up one's mind what height, setback, floor area, and use regulations utilise to your property.

Generally, no. Any new building allow filed after a zoning change must comply with the zoning regulations that are in identify at the time. Notwithstanding, after a zoning change, any legally-built existing building is considered "grandfathered" and is afforded special rights to repair and rebuild in the event of impairment or destruction. Delight see Article V of the Zoning Resolution for more than information on damage and destruction of existing grandfathered (called "non-complying" and "not-conforming") buildings.

Variances from the existing zoning are possible. Applications for a variance are considered by the Metropolis's Board of Standards & Appeals (BSA). Holding owners seeking a variance must demonstrate that there are "practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships" they face in meeting the zoning regulations. See Article VII, Chapter 2 of the Zoning Resolution for regulations applying to variances, or contact the BSA to learn more than.

Equally-of-right evolution complies with the rules found in the Zoning Resolution and does not require any review from the Department of City Planning. The Department of Buildings reviews the edifice plans to determine compliance with the Zoning Resolution and the Building Code and problems building permits accordingly.

The FAR determines how much floor expanse you can take in your building relative to the size of your lot. Please note that this is not always equivalent to the number of stories you tin build. FAR can be utilized on a site in a number of dissimilar means. You lot can acquire by visiting DCP Glossary.

The number of domicile units allowed on any given lot is controlled past zoning. (Other regulations, such as the NYC Structure Code and NYS Multiple Dwelling Law, also control the size and shape of dwelling units.) The method of computing the maximum number of units is explained in Section 23-22 of the Zoning Resolution.

Yes. If edifice a residential edifice in an R1 through R5 commune, you will have to provide ii front end yards, ane on each street. (In an R1-two district, one front end grand must exist twenty feet; the other fifteen. In an R3 district, one front yard must be at least ten anxiety.) For a rectangular lot, the other ii yards will be considered side yards (non rear yards), i of which must be at to the lowest degree 20 feet deep. For other types of buildings, contact the Zoning Assist Desk for more data.

Yes. If located in a required side or rear yard, then the structure must not exceed 10 feet in meridian. Garages and sheds are non permitted in front yards. If located anywhere else on your holding, then information technology must comply with the underlying height, setback, and floor surface area requirements of your commune.

The Building Code regulates the elevation of fences. Generally, in residence districts, the maximum peak of a contend constructed along a front lot line is four anxiety above ground level. The maximum height of a contend along the side or rear lot line is six anxiety. In most instances, fences are considered permitted obstructions.

There are no zoning requirements about the cloth or orientation of a fence.

If you are located in a Residence district, you may be able to catechumen the ground flooring of your building to a "community facility" – this could include a wide range of non-turn a profit uses such equally schools or houses of worship, as well as medical-related tenants such as md'south or dentist'due south offices. (See Section 22-00) Nonetheless, retail or other commercial tenants are just permitted in Commercial Districts.

Yes, simply limitations utilise. Section 12-10 of the Zoning Resolution defines "habitation occupations" and limits them to 25% of the size of home, or 500 square anxiety, whichever is less. Home-based businesses may simply sell goods produced on site, and must not bear upon the graphic symbol of the residential area. Additionally, the post-obit business are not permitted as habitation occupations: advertizement or public relations agencies, barber shops, beauty parlors, animal stables or kennels, electrolysis offices, interior decorators' offices or workshops, ophthalmic dispensing, pharmacies, real estate or insurance offices, stockbrokers' offices, or veterinary's offices.

No. All new buildings and changes to existing buildings must abide by the zoning regulations that are currently in place, even if many nearby buildings predate the zoning alter, and even if the zoning change was just made recently.

Find your property using our online database ZoLa. Then, under "Zoning and Land Utilise" turn on "Zoning Map Amendments". Areas which have been rezoned since 2002 volition be highlighted; click on the highlighted surface area for more specific information.

Zoning district changes can be proposed by individual citizens, urban center agencies, or elected officials. The proposed changes need to make land employ sense in the context of surrounding uses and existing zoning designations. Zoning changes become through the PDF Document Uniform Land Use Review Procedure (ULURP). This process includes review by and recommendations from the affected community lath(southward) and the Borough President. The Metropolis Planning Commission and ultimately the City Council decide whether to approve the zoning change. The community boards and the City Planning Commission are required to concord public hearings, and the Borough President and the City Quango have the choice to do so.

Some country use actions are not permitted every bit-of-right and require review by the City Planning Commission. These deportment are categorized as Special Permits or Authorizations. Some more than limited special permits are reviewed by another agency, the Lath of Standards and Appeals.

Check ZoLa to see if your holding is in a residence, commercial or manufacturing district. To determine what signs are immune in your zoning district, and the proper location and size of signs and if they can be illuminated or flashing, refer to the following sections of the Zoning Resolution in:

Residence Districts: 22-xxx
Commercial Districts: 32-60
Manufacturing Districts: 42-50

For data on special permits issued by the Urban center Planning Commission since 1977, visit our online Zoning Application Portal (ZAP). If a building was synthetic prior to 1977 and may accept received a special permit prior to this date, contact the Zoning Partition at (212) 720-3325.

A list of City Planning Commission reports from 1938 to the nowadays is likewise available in a database, searchable past fields including community district, vote date and ULURP number.

An E-designation on a property means that the property was the discipline of a zoning activeness or zoning change and that environmental requirements related to possible impacts from air, noise or hazardous materials are associated with the property. These potential ecology conditions would demand to exist addressed before the property could exist redeveloped under the new zoning. For more than information, visit our E-Designation 'Frequently Asked Questions' page.

A formal Zoning Verification Letter (ZVL) tin be provided by our Zoning Division for a fee of $110 for each letter of the alphabet.

To request a ZVL, please fill out the online course at the following address:

In addition to filling out the online form, a check for $110, made out to the "NYC Department of City Planning" must be submitted for each request. Please include the borough, block and lot for the asking on the check's memo line. The cheque must be mailed to:

NYC Section of City Planning
ATTN: ZONING VERIFICATION Letter of the alphabet
120 Broadway, 31st Floor
New York, NY 10271

Please let 10 concern days from the time the payment is received for the issuance of the zoning verification alphabetic character.

Please contact the DCP FOIL officeholder, Wendy Niles, at (212) 720-3208.

Please contact Yvette Gruel in DCP's Land Utilise Review division, at (212) 720-3370.

This is a simple calculation requiring you to deduct the amount of floor area your existing building contains from the maximum allowable flooring area permitted in your district. (As an instance, on a 10,000 square pes property, in a district allowing 4.0 FAR, the maximum floor area permitted would be 40,000 square feet. If an existing building on this property contained fifteen,000 foursquare anxiety, and so 25,000 square feet would be able to be transferred.) Please annotation that square footages of existing buildings listed in ZoLA are approximations. An builder tin aid you lot with calculating the exact corporeality of floor area contained in your building.

The transfer of development rights (commonly known as selling "air rights") is recorded through the filing of a annunciation with the City Register. You lot can look up the property records, including such declarations, for a property by visiting the Department of Finance's online database, ACRIS.

In general, the Zoning Division does not provide written explanations or interpretations of zoning provisions, and does not review, nor offer recommendations on, specific evolution proposals. In instances where the text is vague or deficient, questions can exist resolved through a conclusion by the Department's Zoning Interpretations Group. Please contact the Zoning Help Desk with requests for interpretation.

This information is available on ZoLa under the " Celebrated Districts" option in " Supporting Zoning Layers". Any further data regarding landmarks and historic districts can be constitute at the Landmarks Preservation Commission at (212) 669-7700.

To decide if you lot able to apply for a sidewalk café permit, visit ZoLa and click on "Sidewalk Cafes" under "Supporting Zoning Layers". If yous need farther assistance, call the Zoning Help Desk at (212) 720-3291. To obtain an actual let, you will need to contact the Section of Consumer Affairs at (212) 504-4115.

Customs facilities are allowed in most Residence and Commercial districts every bit-of-right, and past special permit in others. Determine the specific zoning district of your cake past visiting ZoLa. Once you know your specific zoning district, yous can detect the use regulations for Residence Districts in Section 22-10, Commercial Districts in section 32-10, and Manufacturing Districts in Department 42-x.

All complaints, including noise complaints, should be directed to 311.

The installation of new curb cuts will require that the locations comply with zoning regulations. Curb cut regulations in Residence districts can vary, while generally curb cuts are permitted in Commercial and Manufacturing Districts provided they are not located within 50 anxiety of an intersection. Contact the Zoning Aid Desk for assistance with zoning requirements for new curb cuts. For more information on how to obtain the necessary permits, click hither.

Oftentimes, this is non a zoning issue. The common situation is that two neighbors entered into an informal agreement to share a driveway between their two properties. Unless this understanding was recorded in the deed to your property past designating an easement, your neighbor has a right to erect a contend on their holding line. You tin contact an chaser to review the act, or, if you still suspect the fence is illegal, you can contact the Department of Buildings to request an inspector's visit.


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