Which of the Following Is Not One of the Existing Family Therapy Methods?

What is Family Therapy and What Are Its Goals And Benefits?

We all get-go this life with a family, whether that family is composed of blood relatives, adopted parents, a close-knit neighborhood, or a foster family.

This family that we acquire when nosotros are born influences every aspect of our lives, from our first moments to our last.

Our family affects who we are and who we become, for better and for worse. We learn our vocabulary, our habits, our customs and rituals, and how to view and observe the globe around us.

We as well larn how to love and how to interact with others from these first important relationships.

If nosotros are built-in into a healthy family with healthy relationships, we are likely to learn how to maintain healthy relationships. If we are built-in into a dysfunctional family that struggles to connect, nosotros may likewise struggle to connect with others.

While it is certainly unlucky to exist born into the second kind of family, it'due south not an unchangeable situation. Almost all families bargain with some sort of dysfunction at i time or another, withal most families retain or regain a sense of wholeness and happiness.

Family therapy offers families a manner to exercise this—a fashion to develop or maintain a healthy, functional family.

Before y'all continue, we thought you might like to download our three Positive Relationships Exercises for free. These detailed, scientific discipline-based exercises will help you or your clients build healthy, life-enriching relationships.

What is Family Therapy / Family Counseling?

Family therapy or family unit counseling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It tin be used to help a family through a difficult period, a major transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in family members ("Family Therapy", 2014).

Every bit Dr. Michael Herkov explains, family therapy views individuals' issues in the context of the larger unit: the family (2016). The assumption of this type of therapy is that problems cannot be successfully addressed or solved without agreement the dynamics of the group.

The way the family operates influences how the client's bug formed and how they are encouraged or enabled by other members of their family.

Family therapy can employ techniques and exercises from cerebral therapy, beliefs therapy, interpersonal therapy, or other types of individual therapy. Like with other types of handling, the techniques employed volition depend on the specific bug the client or clients present with.

Behavioral or emotional problems in children are mutual reasons to visit a family therapist. A child'southward issues do not be in a vacuum; they exist, and will likely need to be addressed, within the context of the family (Herkov, 2016).

It should be noted that in family therapy or counseling, the term "family" does not necessarily mean blood relatives. In this context, "family" is anyone who "plays a long-term supportive role in one's life, which may not mean blood relations or family members in the same household" (King, 2017).

According to Licensed Clinical Social Worker Laney Cline King, these are the most common types of family therapy:

  • Bowenian: this course of family therapy is all-time suited for situations in which individuals cannot or practice not desire to involve other family unit members in the treatment. Bowenian therapy is built on 2 core concepts: triangulation (the natural tendency to vent or distress past talking to a third party) and differentiation (learning to become less emotionally reactive in family relationships);
  • Structural: Structural therapy focuses on adjusting and strengthening the family system to ensure that the parents are in control and that both children and adults prepare appropriate boundaries. In this course of therapy, the therapist "joins" the family unit in society to observe, learn, and enhance their ability to help the family strengthen their relationships;
  • Systemic: The Systemic model refers to the blazon of therapy that focuses on the unconscious communications and meanings behind family unit members' behaviors. The therapist in this grade of treatment is neutral and distant, allowing the family members to dive deeper into their issues and problems as a family;
  • Strategic: This form of therapy is more brief and direct than the others, in which the therapist assigns homework to the family. This homework is intended to change the way family members interact past assessing and adjusting the style the family communicates and makes decisions. The therapist takes the position of power in this type of therapy, which allows other family members who may not unremarkably hold equally much ability to communicate more than effectively (Rex, 2017).

What is a Family Advisor Trained For?

What is a Family Counselor Trained For?As the different types of therapy described to a higher place show, a family therapist may exist chosen upon to have on many different roles.

These many roles require a family therapist to undergo a great bargain of training, formal education, and testing to ensure that the therapist is up to the task.

"In this therapy, the therapist takes responsibility for the effect of the therapy. This has nix to practice with skilful or bad, guilt or innocence, right or wrong. It is the simple acknowledgement that you make a difference."

Eileen Bobrow

While therapists may accept different methods and preferred treatment techniques, they must all have at least a minimum level of experience with the handling of:

  • Child and boyish behavioral problems;
  • Grieving;
  • Depression and feet;
  • LGBTQ issues;
  • Domestic violence;
  • Infertility;
  • Marital conflicts;
  • Substance abuse (All Psychology Schools, 2017).

In order to treat these and other family unit issues, therapists must:

  • Observe how people interact inside units;
  • Evaluate and resolve relationship problems;
  • Diagnose and treat psychological disorders within a family context;
  • Guide clients through transitional crises such as divorce or death;
  • Highlight problematic relational or behavioral patterns;
  • Help supplant dysfunctional behaviors with salubrious alternatives;
  • Take a holistic (mind-body) approach to health (All Psychology Schools, 2017).

In order to gain the skills necessary to perform these functions, a family therapist usually obtains a bachelor's degree in counseling, psychology, folklore, or social work, followed by a master's caste in counseling or marriage and family unit therapy.

Next, the therapist will most likely demand to complete ii years of supervised piece of work after graduation, for a total of 2,000 to 4,000 hours of clinical experience. When these requirements are met, the therapist will as well likely need to laissez passer a land-sanctioned exam, every bit well equally complete annual continuing education courses.

This education trains therapists for guidance with a broad range of problems, including:

  • Personal conflicts inside couples or families;
  • Unexpected affliction, expiry, or unemployment;
  • Developing or maintaining a good for you romantic relationship at any stage;
  • Behavioral problems in children;
  • Divorce or separation;
  • Substance abuse or addiction;
  • Mental health problems like depression and anxiety.

This wide range of problems makes it articulate that the answer to "What is a family unit therapist NOT trained to do?" may be shorter than the question of what they ARE trained to do!

To learn more about how spousal relationship and family unit therapists are trained and how they practice their craft, the following websites are corking resources:

  • The American Clan for Marriage and Family Therapy website;
  • The All Psychology Schools website;
  • The Careers in Psychology website;
  • The Marriage and Family Therapist Licensure website;
  • The Learn website.

What is the Goal of Family Therapy?

What is the Goal of Family Therapy

"To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order; to put the nation in order, nosotros must first put the family in order; to put the family in society, we must offset cultivate our personal life; nosotros must first ready our hearts right."


In a nutshell, the goal of family therapy is to piece of work together to heal whatever mental, emotional, or psychological problems tearing your family apart (Lee, 2010).

To guide a family towards a healthy life, family unit therapists aim to help people in improving advice, solving family bug, understanding and handling family situations, and creating a ameliorate operation home environment (Family Therapy, 2017A).

The goals of family unit therapy depend on the presenting problems of the clients. For example, goals may differ based on the following scenarios:

  • A family fellow member is suffering from schizophrenia or severe psychosis: The goal is to help other family members empathize the disorder and accommodate to the psychological changes that the patient may be undergoing;
  • Problems arising from cross-generational boundaries, such equally when parents share a abode with grandparents, or children are being raised past grandparents: The goal is to ameliorate communication and help the family unit members set up good for you boundaries;
  • Families diffusive from social norms (unmarried parents, gay couples raising children, etc.): The goals here are not always to address any specific internal issues, but the family members may need help coping with external factors similar societal attitudes;
  • Family members who come from mixed racial, cultural, or religious backgrounds: The goal is to assist family unit members further their agreement of one some other and develop healthy relationships;
  • One member is being scapegoated or having their treatment in individual therapy undermined: When one family member is struggling with feeling similar the outcast or receives limited support from other family members, the goal is to facilitate increased empathy and understanding for the individual inside their family and provide support for them to go on their handling;
  • The patient'south problems seem inextricably tied to issues with other family members: In cases where the problem or problems are deeply rooted in issues with other family members, the goal is to address each of the contributing issues and solve or mitigate the effects of this pattern of bug;
  • A blended family (i.e., step-family unit): Composite families can suffer from bug unique to their situations. In composite families, the goal of family unit therapy is to enhance understanding and facilitate healthy interactions between family unit members (Family Therapy, 2017B).

Family Psychotherapy: Taking it Ane Step Further

We tend to think of therapy and psychotherapy as two different forms of handling, but in fact, they are the same matter. This ambiguity is enhanced when we introduce the term "counseling" also.

In truth, therapy is simply a shortened form of the word "psychotherapy". Nonetheless, counseling is sometimes chosen "talk therapy," blurring the lines even farther (Eder, "What is the Deviation").

Mostly, counseling is applied in situations where an individual (or, in the case of family counseling, a family) engages the services of a counselor or other mental wellness professional person to assist with a specific problem or set of problems.

Therapy, or psychotherapy, is a more in-depth and commonly long-term form of handling in which the customer or clients discuss a wider range of bug and chronic patterns of problematic feelings, thoughts, and behaviors (Eder, "What is the Difference").

A family unit who is struggling with a situation that brings added stress, such as the death of a family fellow member, addiction, or dire financial straits, may benefit from counseling to help them through their struggles to sally on the other side as a stronger and more cohesive unit.

If a family is struggling with more chronic mental or behavioral problems, such as a father dealing with schizophrenia, a mother fighting depression, or a child who has been abused, psychotherapy is probable the meliorate choice.

This type of therapy is appropriate for families with bug such as these because a family therapist has a different perspective on treatment than an private therapist. While the individual therapist works with ane customer on solving or curing a problem, the family therapist views issues in the context of the "arrangement" of the family unit. To solve a trouble in a system, you need to consider all parts of the system.

Fixing the alternator in a machine volition not set the problem if it also has apartment tires, a faulty manual, and a plugged frazzle pipage.

Bug inside a family are like to the motorcar with several problems. A parent struggling with alcoholism is not a trouble in isolation; the parent's struggle has likely affected their spouse and their children too. A family unit therapist believes that bug must be addressed at the level of the whole family rather than on an individual level (Schwartz, 2009).

What are the Benefits of Family Therapy?

This more holistic approach to treating issues inside a family has proven to be extremely effective in many cases. In family therapy, families can work on their problems with the guidance of a mental wellness professional in a safe and controlled surround.

The benefits of family therapy include:

  • A better understanding of healthy boundaries and family patterns and dynamics;
  • Enhanced communication;
  • Improved trouble solving;
  • Deeper empathy;
  • Reduced disharmonize and ameliorate anger management skills (10 Acre Ranch, 2017).

More specifically, family unit therapy can ameliorate family unit relationships through:

  • Bringing the family together after a crisis;
  • Creating honesty betwixt family members;
  • Instilling trust in family members;
  • Developing a supportive family environment;
  • Reducing sources of tension and stress inside the family;
  • Helping family members forgive each other;
  • Conflict resolution for family members;
  • Bringing dorsum family members who have been isolated (American Addiction Centers, 2017).

Family therapy enhances the skills required for healthy family functioning, including communication, disharmonize resolution, and problem-solving. Improving these skills as well increases the potential for success in overcoming and addressing family bug.

In family therapy, the focus is on providing all family members with the tools they demand to facilitate healing (Teen Treatment Centre, 2014).

6 Examples and Exercises

Colored Candy Go Around family therapy tools If family therapy sounds like a treatment that would benefit you and your loved ones, the all-time grade of activeness is to find a licensed professional with whom you tin can build a adept working relationship and address the bug your family is facing.

Even so, if you're not quite gear up for this step, or at that place are obstacles between you and getting treatment, there are many exercises and suggestions that y'all may find to be good alternatives.

The exercises and techniques below are meant to exist used within the context of a therapeutic working relationship, but some also take applications for those who wish to explore the possibilities of family therapy before committing to long-term handling with a therapist. If you are a therapist or other mental health professional person, yous may discover these exercises to be useful additions to your therapy toolbox.

The Miracle Question

This exercise tin be used in individual, couples, or family therapy, and is intended to assistance the client(south) explore the type of future they would similar to build. We all struggle at times, but sometimes the struggle is greater because we only do not know what our goals actually are.

The Miracle Question is an excellent way to help the client or clients probe their ain dreams and desires. When used in the context of couples or family therapy, it can help clients in understanding what their significant other or family unit fellow member needs in club to exist happy with their relationship.

This Miracle Question is posed as follows:

"Suppose tonight, while you slept, a phenomenon occurred. When you awake tomorrow, what would be some of the things you would detect that would tell you life had suddenly gotten better?"

(Howes, 2010)

While the customer may give an answer that is an impossibility in their waking life, their answer tin even so be useful. If they exercise give an incommunicable answer, the therapist tin can dive deeper into the clients' preferred miracle with this question: "How would that make a difference?"

This question aids both the client and the therapist—the customer in envisioning a positive futurity in which their problems are addressed or mitigated, and the therapist in learning how they can all-time assistance their customer in their sessions.

Y'all tin can larn more nigh this practise using the Phenomenon Worksheet.

Colored Candy Go Around

If you're looking for a fun and creative icebreaker or introduction to family unit therapy, this practise tin can be a great way to kickoff.

To engage in this practice with your family, you need a package of Skittles, M&Ms, or a similar colorful processed. Distribute seven pieces to each family fellow member, and instruct them to sort their candy by color (and refraining from eating information technology simply yet!).

Next, ask a family member to option a color and share how many they accept. For however many candies of this color they have, instruct them to give the same number of responses to the following prompts based on the color:

  • Greenish – words to describe your family;
  • Purple – ways your family has fun;
  • Orange – things yous would like to improve about your family;
  • Ruddy – things you worry nearly;
  • Yellow – favorite memories with your family unit.

Family Therapy Exercises. Epitome Courtesy of Wikimedia.

When the outset family member has given their answers, tell them to choose the next family unit fellow member to answer the same prompt based on the number of candies that person has.

Once the prompt has been answered, the candies tin be eaten.

When all family members have responded to these prompts, initiate a discussion based on the answers provided by the family. The following questions can facilitate word:

  1. What did you larn?
  2. What was the most surprising matter yous learned about someone else?
  3. How volition you work towards making changes/improvements?

Given the high sugar content in this exercise, you can see that this is a peachy game to play with immature children! If this sounds like a useful exercise that yous would like to endeavor with your family, you can find farther information and instructions on page 3 of this PDF from therapist Liana Lowenstein.

Emotions Brawl

This is a unproblematic exercise, requiring only a ball and a pen or mark to write with. It is frequently used with children and teenagers in many contexts, as it takes the force per unit area off of talking most emotions for those who may exist uncomfortable sharing their feelings.

A embankment ball is a perfect brawl for this activity—large enough to write several emotions on and piece of cake to throw back and forth in a circle. Write several emotions on the ball, such every bit "blithesome," "alone," "silly," or "pitiful."

Gather your family into a circle and begin to toss the brawl back and forth between family members. When a family fellow member catches the ball, have them describe a time when they felt the emotion facing them. Alternatively, y'all could have the catcher act out an emotion, an activity peculiarly suited for children.

The intent of this exercise is to discuss emotions with your family unit and do listening to one some other and expressing your feelings.

Y'all can read more than about this exercise here.

The Family Gift

This exercise can assist a therapist to get to know a family better. If you are using it without the guidance of a therapist, it can aid you to further your understanding of your own family and provoke thoughtful give-and-take.

To requite this practise a try, gather a variety of fine art supplies and a gift handbag. Explicate to the family unit that they are going to create a gift from the materials provided. This gift will be a gift for the whole family unit, that anybody in the family unit wants. They must make up one's mind together on this gift and how information technology can be used within their family unit.

They take 30 minutes to determine on this gift and craft it. In one case they accept created the gift, they must place it in the gift bag. Within the context of family therapy, this exercise provides the therapist with a wait at the inner workings of the family unit, how they make decisions and consummate tasks as a unit.

If you are engaging in this exercise as a family unit without the presence of a therapist, information technology can help yous to start a meaningful conversation.

Employ these questions or prompts to facilitate the give-and-take:

  1. Depict your gift.
  2. Tell how you each felt every bit you were creating your gift.
  3. Who made the decisions? For example, who decided what the gift should be?
  4. Were two or more people in your family able to work well together?
  5. Did anyone cause any difficulties or disagreements, and if and so, how was this handled?
  6. Is at that place annihilation almost the mode you did the activity that reminds you of how things work in your family unit at home?
  7. How can the gift help your family? What else tin can assistance your family?

There is a wealth of information to be gained from observing these types of interactions or engaging in these kinds of discussion.

To read more than nigh this practise, see pages 3 and 4 of the PDF mentioned earlier.

Mirroring Activeness

mirroring game family therapy This fun exercise is a great fashion to help family members relate to each other and work together.

The activity can be explained to a family unit by the therapist with the following instructions:

"I desire you to stand in front end of me just right there (pointing to a spot about ii feet in front of the practitioner). You are going to be my mirror. Everything I do you will try to re-create, just the trick is to copy me at exactly the same time that I am doing it, so that you lot are my mirror. I volition become slowly so yous have a chance to call back about where I will be moving and so that we can do information technology exactly at the aforementioned time. We can't bear on each other. I will lead first and and so y'all will take a turn leading. Ready? Here nosotros get!"

Start, the therapist tin model this exercise with one of the family unit members, then that person tin can take a turn leading another.

This is an specially useful exercise for children, but it tin can exist used with family members of any age. Information technology requires the family members to requite each other their total attention, cooperate with i another, and communicate with both words and trunk language.

It besides allows the family unit members to become more than in tune with one another and tin exist applied with siblings, a parent, a child, or even couples in marriage counseling.

To meet the instructions and read more about this exercise, see page xx of this booklet, also from Liana Lowenstein.


A genogram is a schematic or graphic representation of a client'south family tree. However, unlike the typical family tree, the genogram provides far more than data on the relationships among members of the family unit.

It can be used to map out blood relations, medical conditions in the family, and, most often in the case of family therapy, emotional relationships.

Genograms contain two levels of information—that which is present on the traditional family tree and that which provides a much more comprehensive look at the family:

  • Basic Information: name, gender, date of nascence, date of expiry (if any);
  • Additional Information: education, occupation, major life events, chronic illnesses, social behaviors, nature of family unit relationships, emotional relationships, social relationships, alcoholism, depression, diseases, alliances, and living situations (GenoPro, 2017).

By including this additional data, the therapist and client(s) can work together to place patterns in the family unit history that may have influenced the client's current emotions and behaviors. Sometimes the simple act of mapping out and observing this information can brand articulate things that were previously unnoticed.

The information on emotional relationships can include points of involvement and any aspects of the human relationship that may have impacted the client(s), such as whether the human relationship is marked by abuse, whether a marriage is separated or intact, if a relationship is characterized past dear or indifference, whether a human relationship could be considered "normal" or dysfunctional, etc.

This practise could be completed individually, but it is likely to be near effective when completed in conjunction with a qualified professional.

You tin learn how to use them in family unit therapy here.

Recommended Books

1. The Seven Principles For Making Union Piece of work: A applied guide from the international bestselling relationship proficient – John  Gottman

The seven principles for making marriage work

This is an excellent read for any non-professionals who wish to learn more most what family therapy can practise for couples.

Although this is intended for married couples, any private in a long-term relationship can benefit from this resources of practical wisdom.

Detect the book on Amazon.

2. Why Marriages Succeed or Neglect – John Gottman

Why Marriages Succeed or Fail

Some other entry from Dr. Gottman, this volume provides an in-depth look at the inner workings of marriage and gives advice on how to ensure that your marriage is one of the successful ones.

Find the book on Amazon.

3. Family Therapy: Concepts and Methods – Michael  Nichols and Sean Davis

Family Therapy

Those with simply a casual interest in family therapy may not find much of interest in this book, but anyone who wishes to proceeds a deeper understanding of the theory and do of family therapy will observe this book invaluable.

Information technology gives the reader a solid foundation in the techniques, methods, and academic foundations of family therapy.

If y'all are interested in becoming a family therapist, or simply learning more than nearly the do of therapy within the context of the family unit, this book is a perfect identify to start.

Discover the book on Amazon.

four. Essential Skills in Family Therapy: From the Kickoff Interview to Termination – JoEllen Patterson, Lee Williams, Todd K. Edwards, Larry Chamow, Claudi Grauf-Grounds, and Douglas H. Sprenkle

Essential Skills in Family Therapy

This book is a fantastic resource for those with little or no experience in family unit therapy.

The linguistic communication is simple and accessible, and each chapter provides a guide for students and newly minted therapists who wish to prepare for their first sessions.

Topics include intake and assessment, handling planning, building and maintaining the therapeutic relationship, and problem-solving when treatment is not progressing.

Find the volume on Amazon.

5. The Family Therapy Treatment Planner – Frank Grand. Dattilio, Arthur E. Jongsma Jr., and Sean D. Davis

The Family Therapy Treatment Planner

This is some other helpful resources for new therapists.

The Family Therapy Treatment Planner will aid the therapist in planning handling for clients, dealing with health insurance companies and health providers, and navigating the complex ocean of rules and regulations.

In addition, this volume includes many treatment plan options, a sample treatment plan, and guidelines on dealing with the virtually common presenting problems for family therapists.

Notice the volume on Amazon.

A Take-Home Message

Family therapy is a way for you lot and your family to acquire how to maintain healthy family relationships, communicate finer with family members, and work cooperatively to solve family problems. This blazon of therapy is unique, in that problems are viewed through a broader lens and equally function of the complex system of the family.

This perspective allows family unit therapists to help families get to the root of their problems and facilitates healing for all members of the family, whether the problem is related to substance abuse or habit, corruption, mental health disorders, unexpected or dire circumstances, or simply the ordinary everyday stress we all struggle with on occasion.

This slice described the benefits and goals of family therapy, introduced four of the most common types of therapy, assorted family counseling with family psychotherapy, and provided examples of the exercises and techniques used in family therapy.

My hope is that you find this information useful whether you are interested in engaging with a family unit therapist, becoming a family unit therapist, or just learning more about family therapy.

If y'all take ever participated in family unit therapy or if you lot accept adept family unit therapy in your work as a mental health professional person, nosotros'd dear to hear nearly your experiences in the comments. Did you lot find engaging in family therapy helpful?

Did you go to reap the benefits described here? If you have practiced family therapy, what are some of the nigh valuable things you have learned from your practice?

Thank you for reading!

Nosotros hope you enjoyed reading this article. Don't forget to download our iii Positive Relationships Exercises for free.

  • 10 Acre Ranch. (2017, January 23). ten Acre Ranch. Retrieved from https://www.10acreranch.org/blog/2017/01/23/5-benefits-family-therapy/
  • American Addiction Centers. (2017). The benefits of family unit therapy. Forterus. Retrieved from http://forterustreatment.com/therapy/family-therapy/
  • http://www.drpatrick.com/
  • Eder, A. What is the deviation between counseling & psychotherapy? Ashley EderCounseling & Psychotherapy. Retrieved from http://www.ashleyeder.com/counseling-psychotherapy/
  • "Family Therapy". (2014, January 14). Good Therapy. Retrieved from http://www.goodtherapy.org/learn-about-therapy/modes/family-therapy
  • Family therapy. (2017A). In Encyclopedia of Children's Wellness. Retrieved from http://libguides.dixie.edu/c.php?g=57887&p=371718
  • Family therapy. (2017B). In Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders. Retrieved from http://www.minddisorders.com/Del-Fi/Family-therapy.html
  • GenoPro. (2017). Introduction to the genogram. GenoPro. Retrieved from https://www.genopro.com/genogram/
  • Herkov, M. (2016). About family therapy. Psych Central. Retrieved from https://psychcentral.com/lib/about-family unit-therapy/
  • Howes, R. (2010, January 17). The ten coolest therapy interventions: Introduction. Psychology Today. Retrieved from https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/in-therapy/201001/the-x-coolest-therapy-interventions-introduction
  • Schwartz, A. (2009, March 31). Family unit therapy: A different approach to psychotherapy. Mental Help. Retrieved from https://www.mentalhelp.net/blogs/family unit-therapy-a-different-approach-to-psychotherapy/
  • Teen Treatment Center. (2014, March xx). The benefits of family therapy. Teen Treatment Center. Retrieved from https://www.teentreatmentcenter.com/weblog/the-benefits-of-family-therapy/


Source: https://positivepsychology.com/family-therapy/

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