For a series that's run as long equally Fairy Tail, death is an inevitability. Any serial cannot perchance become on that long without losing some heroes and villains akin. Some may even debate that the series should have had even more than death scenes, such as Gajeel's moment with Bloodman during the concluding arc.

Despite some questionable decision-making here and in that location, quite a few of the deaths in the series were saddening and impactful. A few of these deaths happened earlier in the series and were ofttimes-forgotten nearly when compared to what happened later during the Tartaros and Alvarez arcs.

10 God Serena

God Serena Fairy Tail

Not all deaths are meant to bring forth tears to the eyes of fans, and God Serena's demise is ane no one will lose sleep over. What makes his decease sad is the fact that he may be the biggest victim of having too many bad guys in the Alvarez arc. He was built up as a god-level character, one who manhandled the wizard saints and planned to eradicate all dragons. Withal, those dreams came crashing down confronting Acnologia when he was treated like mere provender and taken out in a wink.

9 Hades

hades eyepatch fairy tail

Hades was the second guild leader of Fairy Tail who'd lost his style, becoming consumed with the knowledge of the lost arts and how everything started with Zeref. Equally with many bad guys, his goals revolved around the primary adversary of the whole serial along with Acnologia. The distressing office was non the death itself, merely rather, the fact that he was killed by the very person he was trying to awaken. Right earlier his cease, he also realized how wrong his actions were, misjudging who Zeref was and what he was capable of.

viii Makarov

Yes, Makarov gets revived afterwards his death in 1 of the many cop-out moments that constantly plague the series. As with Gajeel, Mashima struggles with ever letting characters meet their ultimate demise, decease at times being every bit permanent as it is in Dragon Brawl.

It's unfortunate since Makarov's death was ane of the more emotional moments in the series when he sacrificed himself to protect the members he saw as children.

7 Irene

Irene Belserion from Fairy Tail

Irene was an interesting member of the Spriggan 12, one who managed to go toe to toe with Acnologia and was Erza'southward mother. That motherly connection was a big reason why her decease was so sad. Every bit 2 of the strongest women of the series, both female parent and daughter were in a heated battle, one where Irene had a slight edge. As it looked similar she was going to country the final blow on Erza, Irene instead turned the blade on herself. Her inability to impale her own daughter was sad, every bit was the fact that she committed suicide.

half-dozen Ur

Ur's expiry happened earlier in the series, and she was a character who never got a whole lot of evolution every bit she only appeared in flashbacks and briefly during the Alvarez arc. Still, her decease had a major touch on the show. It'southward why Gray was the way he was, blaming himself for years and fueling a rivalry with not just beau student Lyon but also Ur'south girl. Her dying words also hit fans right in the heart and serve as proof that characters don't always demand to be well-established to accept a distressing death.

v Silver Fullbuster

No character has had information technology quite as crude every bit Gray has, losing both his father and his mentor right before his eyes. It's what helped shape him into one of the more well-rounded characters among the main cast.

His battle with Silver during the Tartaros arc was excellent and i of the ameliorate ones during it. The stop of it was perfectly done when Silver pleaded with Greyness to impale him while his son was unable to do it. Furthermore, Silver said no true father would impairment his son, fully repenting for what he'd washed.

4 Zeref & Mavis

Every bit far as villains go, Zeref was a very interesting 1. It is rare to have an antagonist who only wants to die, to taste that sweet release that comes with information technology. The fact that his desire for death was so innately entwined with Mavis made it all the more than interesting to encounter unfold. Fans knew that his demise would exist bittersweet, and the 2 of them albeit their love for one some other, lifting their curse in the procedure, was exactly that. It provided them both with a corking moment to wrap upwards their story.

iii August

With how he was built upwards, fans had a sneaking suspicion that there was more to August than what was shown on the surface. He wasn't just going to be a generic bad guy for Fairy Tail to overcome, and that was proven right. He had the near depth of whatever of the Spriggan 12 and such a heart-wrenching death to become with it. Having been the son of Zeref and Mavis, August went through his life neglected and never feeling the dear a child needs. That want for love concluded upwards existence his undoing equally the sight of Mavis caused him to stop a dangerous spell, leading to his disintegration.

2 Simon

Simon Mikazuchi Fairy Tail

Simon was another case of a guy who fabricated a huge bear upon for the brief amount of time he was on screen. While fans may argue that August and fifty-fifty Silvery could be higher, Simon had 1 of the first sad deaths in the whole series. His sacrifice during the Tower of Sky is part of the reason the arc is rightfully regarded as highly every bit it is. The fact that he jumped in front of Jellal's spell to cake an attack on Erza, the woman he loved, is notwithstanding one of the best-done deaths in the whole serial.

one Igneel

igneel fairy tail

Igneel's return was a pretty exciting moment and ane that led to a battle with Acnologia that, while short, solidified both of them every bit powerhouses and provided proof for why they were so feared. He held his ain for a time before being quickly overwhelmed by the massive amount of power the black dragon had, being torn in half by the battle's finish. That didn't end him from having a teary-eyed moment with Natsu, where he told his son that he would be the 1 to defeat the blackness dragon.

NEXT: Fairy Tail: Top ten Most Powerful Dragon Slayers, Ranked

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